Saturday, February 22, 2014

Keeping Organised.

So I may have gone overboard on the labelling, but I like to think that I am getting organised.

I already had the storage but recently bought a label machine, which I have kinda gone crazy with. But I think this looks in a way vintage-y and cool. Don't you think? 

I already had sorted some of my makeup into my Muji Acrylic containers, the top drawer being face products, the middle eye products and the bottom one lips. So it was just a case of labelling what kind of products were in each drawer to quicken the sleepily stumble around trying to find the things I need to slap some kind of look on in the mornings. 

The label maker was half price in W H Smiths at £11.99 a Dymo and the pack of re-fill ribbons at £10.99 for 3. I have already gone through one wheel - the wheel that came within the label maker as I've gone crazy labelling everything ... including the cat. But also had to throw away a few labels as I got used to getting the right kind of squeeze to produce coherent labels. 

If you would like to check out the label maker I got, you can find it here:

If you would like some acrylic makeup storage like mine you can find them here: 
They are exactly like the ones that the Kardashians use but in smaller sets, for those of you who know the reference. They are great and come in various sizes and styles. I have a set of two with a flip lip on top and then a single drawer on the bottom which simply sit on top of each other and look as if they are a set of three. I would highly recommend them they may be a little pricey but compared to some of the storage found on eBay they are a steal. And you can mix and match the storage to find a set up that suits you. 

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