Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Health Tips // 1 - Lemons.

Thought I would start a new series called 'Health Tips'. All beauty related - of course. 

My first Health Tip is super easy to incorporate into your week. All you need is LEMONS. 

Lemons you say? Yes Lemons, they have so many benefits health and beauty wise. So if you have a couple lying around you might be inspired to try something new. I did some research and wanted to share it with you. 


  • Lemons have properties that make them a natural diuretic. Which basically means it will flush your body of excess water, and toxins. If you suffer from bloating and are struggling to shift that excess water. Squeeze a little lemon juice into your fruit juice in the morning. If you're feeling extra zesty pop a slice of lemon as well into your glass. Because it helps shift the water, you may find yourself making a few extra stops to the bathroom, but that just means that its working. I find that doing this a couple of times a week, especially around weigh day can help shift that water!


  • Lemons packed full of citric acid, which has been shown to help with Acne. Vitamin C within Lemons helps to create a glowing healthy complexion, and the Alkaline within the lemons helps to beat the bacteria found within Acne. 
  • You can either drink your lemon juice like suggested above, or make some homemade skin products to help your Acne. Make a gentle exfoliant by using lemon juice and putting some soft sugar (soft brown is best). The lemon juice on the Acne may create a burning sensation slightly, but it won't last long and the soft sugar will gently exfoliate the skin. Do stray away from coarse sugar as it may irritate the skin. 
  • If you want an even simpler solution - simply apply a little lemon juice directly onto your Acne and allow to soak in over night. Just like the toothpaste theory, it'll help dry out the spots and as mentioned before the Alkaline within the lemons will help eliminate the bacteria and help to stop the Acne from developing. 

  • As says Lemons have the power to help sooth stress, anxiety, fatigue, and just generally help you feel fresh and powered up. So buy in those lemon scented candles, those lemon essential oils, and fill your house and living space with lemon scents and see if you feel more up beat! 

  • Suffer from Cold Sores? Well mix together some warm water and lemon juice and swirl in your mouth, like the Acne solution it may create a slight burning sensation upon contact but it shouldn't last. Repeat twice a day. 

  • This point is perfect for Summer, if you get insect bites simply apply some drops of lemon juice to said bite and it should help reduce redness and soreness. Also the scent of lemons will help to keep other niggling insects away. 

I hope this helps! And you learnt something new
so start raiding your fridge and reap the benefits
of this powerful fruit! 

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