I knew nail polish was pretty savvy stuff. And I knew it had a way to make you feel nice an' all but this is just incredible.
4 College students at North Carolina State University have possibly invented the most incredible nail polish yet! They all are studying Material Sciences and Engineering, and between them have engineered a nail polish that can detect date rape drugs. Something which could save so many women (and men) from traumas that getting your drink spiked could lead to.
Undercover Color will detect drugs such as GHB, Rohphynol and Xanax. All you'd have to do is simply pop on your special polish whilst getting ready for your night out, and each time you order a drink before consuming it, lower your finger into the drink and stir it around, if you nail polish changes colour don't drink it.
My mind boggles at the amount of incidents that could be saved from this polish. I just hope that it takes off!
"Our goal is to invent technologies that empower women to protect themselves from this heinous and quietly pervasive crime."
*All info paraphrased and quotes from http://aplus.com/a/these-4-college-students-have-invented-nail-polish-that-detects-date-rape-drugs
* Images taken from the above address also.
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